Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, volume 39 issue 2 (june 2020) : 131-134

Evaluation of the Udders Health Status through Somatic Cell Count and the Californian Mastitis Test in Algerian Dairy Farms

S. Kaouche-Adjlane, L.M.Mansour
1M’hamed Bougara University, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Sciences (Boumerdes) 35000, Algeria.
Cite article:- Kaouche-Adjlane S., L.M.Mansour (2020). Evaluation of the Udders Health Status through Somatic Cell Count and the Californian Mastitis Test in Algerian Dairy Farms. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 39(2): 131-134. doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-173.
Mastitis is the most common infectious disease in dairy cattle farming. It is responsible for the quantitative and qualitative milk deterioration. The objective of this study is to evaluate the mammary health status, based on the individual cell count (ICC) of milk explained by the Californian Mastitis Test (CMT) score. A total of 280 milk samples from the central region of Algeria were examined. The mammary health diagnosis has divided the milk samples in two groups: the first has 55% of samples from the healthy udders. The second group includes 45% of samples from infected udders, about 5% of them with clinical mastitis which showed cell levels> 5 million / ml indicating a very alarming epidemiological situation. The results obtained vary from one farm to another and within the same farm, depending on the hygienic practices diversity (P<0.05). The work carried out shows that good farming practices are necessary to maintain the safety of the product.
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