Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 32 issue 1 (march 2017) : 31-34

An Estimation of Crop Seeds, Fodder and Waste Ratio in India

Kostab Aditya, Hukum Chand, Sheela Das, C.P. Singh
1<p>Indian Agriculture Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi -110012</p>
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Cite article:- Aditya Kostab, Chand Hukum, Das Sheela, Singh C.P. (NaN). An Estimation of Crop Seeds, Fodder and Waste Ratio in India . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 32(1): 31-34. doi: undefined.

Inspite of all possible efforts a lot of food grains get wasted in process of harvesting and reaching to consumers. The purpose of this research paper is to represent the estimation of seeds of main food grain, fodder and waste ratio. Our purpose was to recalculate the corrected sample design and sample size in main food grain crops seeds, fodder and waste ratio. It was found that with better sample design, the actual use of main food grain crops seeds, fodder and waste ratio had been reduced from 12.5% to 7%.

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