Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 32 issue 2 (june 2017) : 155-160

Pattern of utility of social media among farmers in hilly Himachal Pradesh of India 

Devesh Thakur, Mahesh Chand
1<p>Veterinary and Animal Husbandary Extension Education, Department. CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur (H.P.)</p>
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Cite article:- Thakur Devesh, Chand Mahesh (NaN). Pattern of utility of social media among farmers in hilly Himachal Pradesh of India . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 32(2): 155-160. doi: undefined.

Use of social media easy mobile internet based tools is being advocated to extend agricultural activities. Although it is essential to know the utility pattern of social media by the members of farmer cummunity before initiating mobile internet based extention like this. It will develop understanding in about possible media based agricultural interventions beneficiery. It is found in study that of all the social media tooks among people who are engaged in agricutural jobs mostly used media tools are whatsapp and facebook. Very few respondents used internet and social media to acquire knowledge regarding agricultural activities. Most of the respondents agricultural extension organisation had an apathetic attitude about any possible social media based knowledge given to them. 

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